Tag Archives: heart

A Prayer For My Buddy at Work

My Love for you!

Boomer…I love you!  I love my morning hugs. I love that we tend to each other’s ailments.  I love that we can communicate with our eyes ..to who will relieve Terri.  I love helping you figure things out.  I love it when you and Craig dog each other.  I love it when Cameron stands in the hall between us and tries to get one over on us.  I love that you have become “A Make A Wish Maker,” although you might not.  I love how everyone comes to you asking for a favor and you so generously hop up and get right on it.  I love knowing you are right there where I can see that all is well.  I love my see you in the morning hugs and at the end of the day.  The best gift I can give you is my prayers.  Enjoy unwrapping my love for you!!


Oh God, My redeemer, Holy one!

You are needed!  My best friend lost a piece of his heart when he received life-altering news today.   I know we should celebrate when loved leaves this place to come to be with you.  Our hearts just don’t have what it takes to let go of something so precious.

Holy Spirit, receive this unending invitation for the gift of comfort for my friend and his family.  Pour out an abundance of Peace, Love, Wisdom, and an ocean of Grace so much that joy will begin to grow in his heart.  Speaking of his heart, I ask you, GOD to align Boomer’s body exactly as you created it to be; to function at the capacity of a man who is as healthy as healthy is described in ole Webster.  Regenerate any and all parts that might be damaged and cause them to perform perfectly.  Let blood flow to and through all parts of his body so that every cell would be refreshed, revived, and divided to create strong healthy cells to bring forth life …and life in abundance! 


We all are guilty of doing things that are not good for us …things that seem to comfort us or helps us cope, manage, handle, muddle through, survive and seem to bring some relief of the day to day battle of being the best that we can be.  I ask you, GOD, to forgive us all for the things that we have done to damage, harm, or weaken our bodies …the outfit… that you so intimately knitted together in our mother’s womb.

Pour out your blessings upon…Boomer…who has enriched our lives with his optimism, his Boomerisms, his laughter, and all the BOOMER BABY’S, BAM’S, I gotcha baby,  and all the come here and give me a hug and especially his “One of a kind” spirit that blesses all those he happens to cross paths with.  Help him remember all the memories that brought him joy all those years he spent with his brother, best friend, sidekick.    Those memories are now a precious treasure that will live in his heart and mind for eternity.  Send angels out every so often to remind him of his treasure…so that the memories of that day will not steal his joy.


Boomer is now facing “fear” face to face and will be fighting a mighty fight.  Only You can bring forth the champion to the other side of this huge task.  I ask… that YOU handpick the ones’ who will be doing the surgery and that they all will be bright-eyed and well-rested and ready to use the skills that allow You to bring about the healing of mind, body, and soul!  We, us, them, all stand together and claim the remarkable, breathtaking, humbling, HEALING that will glorify you and prove that YOU are still in the miracle-working business.  

Holy Spirit,

I invite You into this situation so that all will be comforted, taught, enlightened, united, and that many hearts will be transformed and cause Your Son’s heartbeat…to to be strengthened…in us all.

Thank You, Jesus!!



Prayer for a Heavy Heart

Good Morning Jesus,

I can’t wait to see what unfolds before my eyes today!  I really do try to spend each day doing my very best.  Sometimes, I wake up with a heavy heart.  I can think of many reasons why it would be heavy, but You said, “Not to worry”. Help me NOT worry.  Thank You for shining Your light in the dark places that dampen my spirits.  If not for you, my hope would be a lifeless puff of air.   The Words You brought to life is the hope that spurs me on.  Thank you, Poppa! Thank You for ALL the things you did and still do, to give me access to the Bread of Life and Living Water which gives me the strength I need for each day. 


A Cry for Help

My Son’s Prayer:

Dear Lord, please let this blessing come. You know how bad I need an opportunity for a better job. You know the work I put in and how they’re doing me. You know I’ll work. You know ill show up on time. In a year and a half, I’ve clocked in right on time. Once this year I have clocked in 5 mins early. Dear Lord, please help me all I need is an opportunity I’ll do the rest.

My response:


You said in Matthew 7:7~Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.
I ask you, Jesus, to douse _______ with blessings galore. He has really worked hard to do what’s right. Whether he knows it or not he has a good heart. He is still learning how to love and to be patient. ______ has such a heavy load on his shoulders. Bless him and his family to the point they know there has to be a God.

Holy Spirit,

Teach them to love one another, to encourage one another, to help each other have the best day possible. Unharden their hearts from things that have hurt them in the past. Give them the wisdom to make good decisions and to let their spirits come to the surface and deflate the ego that is making them miserable. Pour out your mercy that you so graciously give each of us every day. Wake them up! Bring them into an awareness of your presence and love. Lavish them with your grace, your ocean of grace.  Some people only take sips here and there of your grace. Lord. turn them around so that they can see that you have been there along. Lead them into waves, drench them with your grace.


I thank you for the holy power of Your name. I know how much you love us. My heart’s desire is for all your children will open their hearts and hand over to you, the things that weigh them down. Insecurities, doubts, regrets, rebellion, heartache, negativity, unforgiveness, failure, selfishness, lack of self-discipline. Increase every area of their life, joy, peace, gratefulness, kindness, gentleness, generosity, helpfulness, thoughtfulness, self-discipline, faithfulness. Allow them to receive and experience your love for them.

Jesus, may they live the life that YOU died for them to have!!

Troubles and Struggles*

My first Poem:​  ​

Version 1

I try to do my best, yet still, I have all these tests.
Some days are a breeze, but others feel like I’m being teased.
I want to be happy
Is there anything wrong with that?

My heart is heavy from all I carry
I try to lay down my burdens. Evidently, it’s not working.
Otherwise, I’d be on a dance floor somewhere….twerking.
Lord, Help me find my way. These struggles are ruining my day.

I turn my life over to you; now I’m not sure what I should do.
Take my hand and lead me on,
I’m turning up the radio to sing me a song.
I want some joy down in my heart,
so come and talk to me, so I’ll know where to start.

Version 2

I try to do my best, yet still, I have these tests.
Some days are a breeze, but others feel like I’m being teased.
I just want to be happy. Is there anything wrong with that?
If I stay like this I’ll certainly end up fat.

My heart is heavy from all that I carry
I’ve tried to lay down my burdens; evidently, it’s not working.
If it was I’d be on a dance floor somewhere..twerking.
Lord, help me find my way
because these troubles and
struggles are ruining my days.

I turn my life over to you; Now, I’m unsure what I should do.
Come take my hand and lead me on.
Meanwhile, I’ll turn on the radio and sing myself a song.
I need that joy deep down in my heart,
so come and talk to me, so I’ll know where to start.