Tag Archives: worry

Prayer to Overcome

Father God,

I come to You today, boldly asking for “your healing touch upon all your people.  Make them well in body, mind, and soul in the name of Jesus! Feeling sick, coughing, lack of sleep, dis-ease, nausea, loneliness, aches, pains, depression, anxiety, imbalance, insecurity, doubtfulness, exhaustion, lack of faith has stolen smiles, joy, cheerfulness and replaced it with sadness & fear, and has brought on stress, aggravation, frustration, which affects the ones around them. Bless them with calmness, gladness, hopefulness, and laughter as they surrender their ailments to you. Thank you for your mercy that we don’t receive what we deserve, and thank you for your grace that we receive things that we don’t deserve.

Your Word says, “Cast all your burdens over to Me.” There are some things we feel that are not worthy of handing over.” ALL THINGS?” I’m thinking of a broken dryer, car issues, roof repairs, bad habits, attitudes, decisions, finances, teenagers, relationships, our health, emotions, concerns, struggles at work and home, along with should I’s are included in “ALL.”  

Lord, I ask that you would grant “all” people the gift of awareness to the limitless abundance of your grace, love, inspiration, kindness, creativity, affection, opportunities, wisdom, and joy! Bless him to be fully alert, attentive, and mindful so “he” will know he has surely been in the presence of the Lord. May he experience you “Jesus” in “all” that he does. Bring him peace to “all”  that may overwhelm him.  Turn his struggles into victories and his worries into restored confidence.  


Thank you for listening, caring, and making it possible to have the privilege, to ask and believe in your powerful name, which has the power to conquer and accomplish “all” things!   


Prayer for a Heavy Heart

Good Morning Jesus,

I can’t wait to see what unfolds before my eyes today!  I really do try to spend each day doing my very best.  Sometimes, I wake up with a heavy heart.  I can think of many reasons why it would be heavy, but You said, “Not to worry”. Help me NOT worry.  Thank You for shining Your light in the dark places that dampen my spirits.  If not for you, my hope would be a lifeless puff of air.   The Words You brought to life is the hope that spurs me on.  Thank you, Poppa! Thank You for ALL the things you did and still do, to give me access to the Bread of Life and Living Water which gives me the strength I need for each day. 


What If There Was A Cure for Anxiety & Depression?

Understanding these disorders is difficult for the person who hasn’t experienced either of them. Anxiety is worry in disguise. Depression is living anxiety/Depression~ Understanding these disorders is difficult for the person who hasn’t experienced either of them. Anxiety is worry in disguise. Depression is living in hopelessness even though you know the truth. What if both of these are traps that people fall into and are not aware of the hold/curse. What if this is just another way for satan to draw God’s children away from Him. It is nothing but confusion sprinkled with doubt, but when trapped within, life can feel empty/worthless/doomed. Mind-altering drugs have taken over and made a money-making industry out of something that may not even be real.

I have been a victim for years, so I know how despair and no self-worth can paralyze. I know how it feels to think that I need to fix everything and everybody, solve all the problems, beat myself up, somehow know when people are judging me and know exactly what they are thinking. What if this is a spiritual dis-ease and the truth really will set you free.

As I wrote the above statement, it reminded me of when Jesus and the disciples were passing by a graveyard and saw a man being tormented by evil spirits. The disciples could not rebuke the demon out of the savaged soul. Jesus said, “This type needs fasting and prayer also. I have not tried this, but I wouldn’t be surprised if that weren’t the cure for both disturbing disorders.

I would like to hear your thoughts on this view. Polite & kind words. . . are greatly appreciated!

What if this is the cure?

Mark 5:1-20 New Century Version (NCV) A Man with Demons Inside Him

1 Jesus and his followers went to the other side of the lake to the area of the Gerasene [a] people. 2 When Jesus got out of the boat, instantly a man with an evil spirit came to him from the burial caves. 3 This man lived in the caves, and no one could tie him up, not even with a chain. 4 Many times people had used chains to tie the man’s hands and feet, but he always broke them off. No one was strong enough to control him. 5 Day and night he would wander around the burial caves and on the hills, screaming and cutting himself with stones. 6 While Jesus was still far away, the man saw him, ran to him, and fell down before him.

7 The man shouted in a loud voice, “What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I command you in God’s name not to torture me!” 8 He said this because Jesus was saying to him, “You evil spirit, come out of the man.”

9 Then Jesus asked him, “What is your name?”

He answered, “My name is Legion,[b] because we are many spirits.” 10 He begged Jesus again and again not to send them out of that area. 11 A large herd of pigs was feeding on a hill near there. 12 The demons begged Jesus, “Send us into the pigs; let us go into them.” 13 So Jesus allowed them to do this. The evil spirits left the man and went into the pigs. Then the herd of pigs—about two thousand of them—rushed down the hill into the lake and were drowned.

Fasting and Prayer

Community Concerns

Nursing Homes ~ I spent four years visiting a relative in 3 different local nursing facilities.  The state has limited regulations for a patient’s care which is unbelievable.  Personal hygiene standards need upgrading.  Cameras need to be installed in each room and monitored by management.  Employees need background checks as well as one or two specific references, not just anyone.  Ex…Pastor, ex-employer, teacher.  References are to be contacted and comments documented as proof of contact.  Nurse to patient ratio needs enforcing.   Management should step up to the plate, if short staffed.

Teen Pregnancy ~ Children are being raised by single parents or split families and are not being taught or modeled to respect themselves.    When a young person is not told/shown/taught how valuable she/he is then their standards or values for themselves fall short.  Everyone is entitled to respect from others. They have to be respected by those around them before they learn to give respect.  I believe all they want is to be loved and acknowledged.  When the love languages are absent in a person’s life, any acknowledgment seems like love.   These kids don’t always know how to receive love.  There are a variety of perceptions of what love and attention look like, especially to teenagers.  That’s the problem.  Love has to be experienced, not taught.

  ~ If only a brilliant idea would surface in the realm of this generation~

Not everyone loves themselves.  I have a lot more I could say about.

 Anxiety/Depression~ Understanding these disorders is difficult for the person who hasn’t experienced either of them.  Anxiety is worry in disguise.  Depression is living in hopelessness even though you know the truth.  I believe both of these are traps that people fall into and are not aware of the hold/curse.   I believe this is just another way for satan to draw God’s children away from Him.  It is nothing but confusion sprinkled with doubt, but when trapped within, life can feel empty/worthless/doomed.  Mind altering drugs have taken over and made a money making industry out of something that is not even real.  I have been a victim for years, so I know how the despair and thinking that I need to fix everything and everybody, solve all the problems, beat myself up, somehow know when people are judging me, and know exactly what they are thinking.  I believe this is a spiritual dis-ease.  The cure?  A fine example of, “THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE!”

As I wrote the above statement, it reminded me of when Jesus and the disciples were passing by a graveyard and saw a man being tormented by evil spirits.  The disciples could not rebuke the demon out of the savaged soul.  Jesus said, “This type needs fasting and prayer also.  I have not tried this, but I wouldn’t be surprised if that weren’t the cure for both disturbing disorders.

And The Winner is …


Me: Sometimes, it seems there is more evil in the world than good. I would understand if those who do not know You believe the bad guys are winning. Lord, what if everyone delivered one act of Kindness per day?

God: If this were to happen, the land would heal, there would be no hunger, the lost would come to their senses, and dis-eases would no longer exist. There would be no worry, no stress, no lack of faith, no poverty, no homelessness, no one jobless, and no cruel acts against another.

Me: WOW! Just think what life would be like if only!
Lord, help us to lean on You for understanding and not to carry unforgiveness in our hearts. Make ways for us to hear the cry of the needy, show love to our neighbors, and love ourselves.

God: Kindness is known to be very contagious. That my love is the key to happiness. Happiness brings healing, success, justice, thoughtfulness, and generosity, which then causes this world to be a better place, all because someone decided to go out of their way for another. This one act will bring down walls, break strongholds, save souls, cause oppression to disappear and hearts to unharden. So be it!   2/21/24