Tag Archives: lead me on

Troubles and Struggles*

My first Poem:​  ​

Version 1

I try to do my best, yet still, I have all these tests.
Some days are a breeze, but others feel like I’m being teased.
I want to be happy
Is there anything wrong with that?

My heart is heavy from all I carry
I try to lay down my burdens. Evidently, it’s not working.
Otherwise, I’d be on a dance floor somewhere….twerking.
Lord, Help me find my way. These struggles are ruining my day.

I turn my life over to you; now I’m not sure what I should do.
Take my hand and lead me on,
I’m turning up the radio to sing me a song.
I want some joy down in my heart,
so come and talk to me, so I’ll know where to start.

Version 2

I try to do my best, yet still, I have these tests.
Some days are a breeze, but others feel like I’m being teased.
I just want to be happy. Is there anything wrong with that?
If I stay like this I’ll certainly end up fat.

My heart is heavy from all that I carry
I’ve tried to lay down my burdens; evidently, it’s not working.
If it was I’d be on a dance floor somewhere..twerking.
Lord, help me find my way
because these troubles and
struggles are ruining my days.

I turn my life over to you; Now, I’m unsure what I should do.
Come take my hand and lead me on.
Meanwhile, I’ll turn on the radio and sing myself a song.
I need that joy deep down in my heart,
so come and talk to me, so I’ll know where to start.