Tag Archives: #wants

Everyone Wants Something

The 1-year-old wants its mommy. The two-year-old wants its toy. The three-year-old wants to do it all” by myself.” The four-year-old wants to play 24/7. The five-year-old wants a bike. The ten-year-old wants a phone. The 13-year-old already knows everything there is to know. The 14-year-old wants privacy (Leave me alone). The 15-year-old wants to be with friends 24/7. The 16-year-old wants a car. The 20-year-old wants to be 21. The 21-year-old wants it all. The 25-year-old wants a career. The 30-year-old wants to join a gym. The 35-year-old wants to move back home. The 40-year-old wants to look 29. The 45-year-old wants a sports car. The 50-year-old wants to complete their bucket list. The 60-year-old wants a nap. You get the gist, don’t you? There is always a desire deep down inside or right at the tip of your fingers.

It is impossible to be satisfied unless you are tight with Jesus. Somehow, those things you want aren’t so important anymore. You begin seeing others who have far less than you. This discovery causes the heart to soften and the mind to become instantly creative in fulfilling a need for someone else. You will discover what “JOY” really feels like when this happens.

Caution:  The actions described above have been known to become addictive. If you decide to participate in this activity, you will be judged and deemed guilty of being GENEROUS!! 

Beware:  There is no cure for this addiction.