Tag Archives: hard-headed

Will You Settle For Less?

We all have an ego which is the selfish, opinionated, stubborn, hard-headed, knows everything, ignorant side of who we are. Our spirit is the loving, kind, gentle, cautious part of who we are that tries to protect us from ourselves.

A war between the two create those thoughts in our head that …. talk us into or out of …. whatever it is we are contemplating, considering, pondering? The two are at battle for our attention. Our ego is puffed up, strong and becomes stronger with each …Cha-Ching! (Wins us over) Our spirit gets pushed down and overpowered by ego, so we rarely/barely hear it anymore. In those quiet times…sad times…. wondering why times……nobody loves me times…. lonely…sick…tired…run down…troubled times are when we might hear a glimpse of our spirit…desperately trying to get our attention. Our Spirit…. is the best part of us and fights a mighty fight every day to overpower our ego? Be still. Let your mind get quiet. Listen……can you hear or feel your spirit…. calling your name…. begging you….to give it a chance…..to lead? When we let our spirit guide…life is so much more enjoyable, easy-going, comfortable, satisfying, fun, passionate, enthusiastic, creative, loving, kind, sweet, gentle, and generous. We are more thoughtful, sociable, radical, intentional….and life is good. Ego leads us to jealousy, anger, rebellion, hate, envy, laziness, deceit, lying, selfishness, pity, and makes our lives miserable. What doesn’t make sense is…. we may know we are miserable….and we accept it and live in it.