Breath Life into a Lost Soul

Father God,

We will ever understand how things come together or fall apart? Some people walk around numb, spiritually asleep, and have never lived the abundant life that You willingly gave up when You went to the cross. Your Word says you came so we could live more abundantly! The verse before that promise says, satan came to steal, kill, and destroy. Why do some of us who say we are Christians get tangled up in satans traps and lies? God! Help us! It’s like he has people on puppet strings, and we keep doing what we know is wrong, over & over & over again. 

Your Word tells us we have the authority to trample over snakes and scorpions and not be harmed. Your Word also says that whatever we bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever we loose on earth will be loosed in heaven~ It also says to dress in the Armor for Spiritual protection. You tell us Your Word is our weapon as well as prayer, praise, worship, rebuking, speaking the name of Jesus, and pleading the precious blood of Jesus in every situation. You equipped us to fight spiritual warfare and claim victory. So, In the mighty name of Jesus, I command all demons to leave my son’s home to never return! In the name of Jesus, I cast out and demand he is unbound from any curses that his words, my words, his teacher’s, and those who have judged him and deemed him worthless. I thank you for hearing my cries for him to be saved


Have mercy on his soul! He has been tempted and tortured long enough. Demons have caused him to believe lies that have led him to destruction. Don’t let the enemy destroy him! Pour out your mercy and grace on him so that every single cell in his body is saturated. Send 10,000 angels to guard him against every enemy that he may face. He has been in bondage for so long and kept from living the life you died for him to have. He is weak in the flesh and spirit. He needs YOUR strength to conquer all that has been brought against him. Jesus, renew his mind, cleanse his heart, dissolve every addictive thought, lie, trick, scheme, or plot that has been planned against him, and let your love and truth rush in and begin the healing of the brokenness he has endured in his life.   

Holy Spirit,

With your help, I declare that he is now loosed from all things that are not of You! Anxiety, depression, emotional and physical pain, doubt, confusion, rebellion, unforgiveness, hate, unkind words, foolishness & rejection. I declare Jonathan’s body, soul, and spirit to operate in the body of Christ with passion and vigor! May he proclaim Jesus as his Savior and accept God’s love to transform him. Bless him with an understanding of your Word and discerning truth from deceit. May he walk with his head up, with hope, love, and compassion in his heart.

Bless him with enough wisdom, strength, confidence, courage, ambition, and determination to accomplish all he sets out to do to glorify all you have brought and are leading him into.

I claim every excellent gift from You for Jonathan! Breathe Your breath of life into his body, mind, spirit, and soul. Breathe into every single cell in his being. Shine your light through him for Your GLORY so that others will know a Real Loving God exists and is still in the miracle-making business!!

Matthew 16:19 The Message

“And that’s not all. You will have complete and free access to God’s kingdom, keys to open any and every door: no more barriers between heaven and earth, earth and heaven. A yes on earth is a yes in heaven. A no on earth is no in heaven.”

Matthew 16:19 NIV

19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be[a] bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be[b] loosed in heaven.”

Thank You, Father, Jesus, & Holy Spirit~

My hero!!

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